Opus: the Intern Experience

Looking at an internship in the events industry? Or maybe you’re interested in learning more about working in a fully integrated agency environment while still earning class credit. Opus is proud to offer multiple academic placements every year to help students get a taste of the working world, as well as some insight into and experience in the world of brand events and marketing.
We recently sat down with two of our summer interns—Jessica Hammock and Stephanie Kolb—to get a sense of their eight-week stint here at Opus.
What are you studying, and where?
Stephanie: I am a senior at the University of Montana studying Communication, Non-Profit Administration, and Entertainment Management.
Jessica: I study Interior Design with a minor in Business and New Media Communications at Oregon State University. (Go Beavs!)
What brought you to Opus? How does your internship here line up with your educational goals and/or career aspirations?
Jessica: I developed a passion for event planning while working for the Memorial Union Program Council at OSU. Post college, I am interested in entering the event planning profession. Though my major is interior design, I have found a lot of crossover between the two—a large part of event planning is creating an atmosphere that will enhance the attendee experience.
Stephanie: My passion for event planning was sparked in high school and I have been hooked ever since. I love the meticulous attention to detail and hard work that goes into making an event go off without a hitch. When I started looking for internships for the summer of 2016, I knew that I wanted real world experience in the event planning industry.
What does a typical day at Opus look like for you?
Jessica: The great thing about working at Opus is each day looks a little different, which kept me on my toes and excited to see what was around the corner next. Some of my typical daily jobs included printing and preparing documents for events/site visits, sourcing a wide array of items (including restaurants, board games, and mobile messaging apps), and QC’ing information. Twice a week I attend planning meetings with the Event Management team, which has been a great way for me to gain a better insight on event logistics, team dynamics, and all the details required to pull off a large program.
Stephanie: No day is ever the same at Opus, but they all generally begin with coffee.
What’s the most fun or interesting thing you’ve gotten to do so far?
Jessica: It’s really hard for me to pin point the most interesting thing I have worked on, but I do have several experiences that stick out to me. I worked on several projects that required me to call restaurants to determine details for an upcoming event meal. It was really fun to call restaurants all over the country. One phone call I was talking to someone in California, and the next I was calling someone in Texas. I learned a lot about communication and attention to detail.
What about the weirdest, or most unexpected?
Jessica: I think the most unexpected thing I worked on was stuffing luggage tags for an incentive trip in Prague. Stephanie and I spent hours unpacking luggage tags and then stuffing them with passenger information sheets. I guess I never thought about those little things that need to be done. Plus, I thought it was such a nice personal touch to send luggage tags to each attendee!
How did your experience stack up against your expectations? Did your internship here have an effect on your future career path?
Jessica: To be honest, before I started I still didn’t quite grasp what exactly Opus did. I knew they planned events, but I didn’t realize how large the events were. After completing this internship it reaffirmed that I would love to pursue a career in the event planning industry.
Stephanie: I am so thankful that I have had this opportunity. I have learned so much about the event management industry and everything that goes into making an event a reality. I have also learned so much about myself, as well as the career and work environment I’m looking for.
Do you have any advice you’d like to give future interns at Opus?
Stephanie: Jump right into whatever projects you are assigned, and reach out to the event teams if your workload is light—sometimes people need help but don’t know you are available. There will be resources built into each project to help you complete your assignments, but if you need additional clarity, it’s always okay to ask for help. People at Opus will respect you for it.
Jessica: Ask questions, pay attention to detail, communicate, and absorb as much information as possible. But most importantly, HAVE FUN! Opus is a really fun and supportive environment with lots of awesome people.
Interested in having your own Opus Intern Experience? Keep an eye on the Opus Careers page for upcoming opportunities and our social media channels for regular updates.
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