Events industry networking at Opus Peer Connect

We recently hosted a networking breakfast for event marketers in the Bay Area to meet up, get to know one another, and get the low-down on the industry’s latest developments.

Event professionals representing a wide array of companies, industries, and roles met up this morning for Breakfast by the Bay, the most recent installment of Opus Agency’s Peer Connect event series. Event marketers representing brands in data integration, HR and financial management, enterprise revenue management, networking and telecommunications, and cyber security came together to discuss obstacles, explore new opportunities, and share advice learned from previous successes.

Bay Area event marketers gathered at the Palo Alto Four Seasons for breakfast and lively conversation.

One attendee cited last week’s event as “one of the very best industry events [she has] ever attended.” She went on to add that “there’s a huge amount of validation in realizing we are all having similar experiences within our own organizations.”

The Opus Peer Connect series is the perfect forum to forge the career-long connections that enable you to advance professionally, and unlock countless opportunities and capabilities that you were previously unaware of.

If you’d like to get a leg up on the competition by putting your head together with the industry’s best and brightest, get in touch with Kristin Waters (971.223.1132) to find out more about our upcoming Peer Connect events.

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